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The Chatterbot Collection

Started by Freddy, September 16, 2022, 15:22:45 PM

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I've neglected to update this site for over a year, but I see it's getting lots of hits still. I did a bit of reworking and made some of the pages a bit more appealing, check out the gallery...

And a refreshed set of colours across the whole site, here's the home page:

I liked the orange title we have here, so decided I'd like them on the CBC too.

There's also a new email address for submissions, and I added a few movies.

I'll try to give it some lover over the coming weeks :)


Wow! that's looking great  8)

Nice to see it's still getting plenty of visits too  :thumbsup:


Thanks mate. I was up late last night but still up early today; I was really getting into it. :)

I forgot to mention that it has a Discord channel too. It's simpler than setting up a forum for it. I was using Disqus, but to be honest, that was not very successful - people kept trying to chat to the bots through it!  :LOL: So that's been removed.

Nearly 14 million hits since I took it over. Next year will be the twentieth anniversary of when Remi Poulin started it - I've been at the helm since 2008.


I've cleaned up and tidied some more. Today I have been working on site speed.

I now serve images in webp format, which are half to a third smaller in size and still look the same.

I have also done a few other changes to js and removed/improved slow aspects.

It's worked, the site is really quick on my phone and I got a A for site speed  8)


Good job, it is loading very quickly on my tablet  :thumbsup:


While it looks really nice I'm still at somewhat of a loss or else I've simply forgotten why all of the movies weren't put in the Movies section and all of the Chatbots remain in Collection?

Seems to make sense to my aged brain...


They are Art  :LOL:

The chatbots are in their own category as are the movies. Did you use the menu top right to see the categories?

The home page shows the most recent entries.


Oops! Sorry, Freddy!! I simply failed to notice those little pages at the top right!

I guess for some reason I reasoned that movies were not chatterbots or chatbots and did not belong in or to a chatterbot category but rather in a Movie section.

I'll keep quiet until all the meds are out of my system...hehe...
