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Started by Art, August 30, 2020, 14:37:24 PM

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That site is so unfriendly now ever since the new Administrator took over. One is now bombarded with Pop-ups pushing all sorts of Adverts toward you.

When I finally located the Forum section...all the way down to the very bottom of the site, I noticed that some of my areas of interest had fairly recent postings but upon clicking on them, Nothing was displayed!! Blank Response!

This happened for more than one thread / post. It is hardly worth my time, which is a shame because it used to be a really nice collective of like-minded individuals, interested in chatbots.'s hardly that!!


I stopped visiting a long time ago when Dave stopped being so active there. Squarebear said the other day that it's basically deserted now. It was a cynical attempt to garner links and advertise - they didn't care about the community. That's why I didn't sell AiDreams, I decided it had to go to someone else who had a genuine interest.


I just popped over to have a look, it's turned into a money making site and lost all of it's charm and appeal, not good at all  :(

It seems that AI Dreams is just about the only one left now, Freddy you did the right thing giving the site away to an enthusiast  :thumbsup:

I'm going to keep the links and banner to AI Dreams up on this site.


Thanks a lot Data  8)

And yes, it would have been heartbreaking to see the same kind of thing happen to AiDreams.

Does anyone have any news on AiDreams?

Don't know where else to turn, then thought

that good old Datahopa may know something..

There's an Apache2 Debian Default Page,

which usually means a new LAMP installation.

( LAMP = Linux Apache MySQL PHP ).

My Very Enormous Monster Just Stopped Using Nine


Hi 8pla

Dreams seems to be working fine for me:

I think the switchover is all done now, if you were using the temporary site that might be gone now.


This happens when you visit on HTTP and not HTTPS.

I have contacted Infurl to add a redirect so that doesn't occur again.

Thanks 8pla :thumbsup: