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What has Jeremy Clarkson done now ?

Started by Data, March 11, 2015, 13:21:39 PM

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300,000 sign petition supporting Jeremy Clarkson

I'm gutted, to say the least, that Clarkson has been suspended from the BBC for a "fracas". But why drop the rest of the current series of Top Gear, the are already made.

Come on BBC let us see them. We have already paid to have them made with the licence fee.

Sign this petition


I think we Yanks have corrupted poor old Jeremy. He seems to be acting somewhat like an American here. Perhaps the suspension is justified, given his previous "indiscretions", but to cancel the last 2 or 3 shows? Can we say "OVERREACTION"??
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


A "fracas" with a producer? Not serious. I thought (during one second) he crashed an expensive car.

No doubt he will be back soon. :driving:


It's entirely possible that this is a calculated move on the part of the BBC to stir up some controversy in an effort to boost ratings. If this were happening over here, I'd be dead sure of it, but it may be different over there.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


There are calls for him to resign/be sacked. The fracas was punching a producer, allegedly.

Gonna miss top gear tomorrow but at least we have the Aussie GP.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Please please please please please don't scrap Top Gear BBC.

My Very Enormous Monster Just Stopped Using Nine


That's it then, the fun is over.

QuoteJeremy Clarkson will not have his contract at the BBC renewed

So sad  :(


Good article thanks for posting, read it all  :thumbsup:

I must say I hate all this PC crap so it will be a loss for the free thinkers.


Yes I agree about all this PC crap we have to put up with these days, I thought one of the comments on the petition summed it up well too. 

QuoteJeremy is a bastion of light in a dark PC world

And on that bombshell it's time to end.


Jeremy is getting really good at tennis.

Oh and says:

'Top Gear exit was my own silly fault'