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Magical Thinking

Started by Snowcrash, July 23, 2013, 19:19:40 PM

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Food for thought...
Or should that be ringtones for food?

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Drat. Can't hear the voices in the video.

Seems that I've developed some strange problem with my audio where I can hear music, sound effects, background noises, but no voices of any sort. I'll work it out, but it's rather vexing, ATM.  :headbang:

[edit] Ok, got the sound problem sorted out. Now are we going to debate the merits of this video? Or was it simply intended as a friendly "beard tweaking"? :D [/edit]
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!



The video does pretty well say that all magic thinking is bad, that is a bit like saying all X is bad. whatever X is.


That's just the first in a series of sweeping generalizations that I've noticed. The worst of the lot was that, being a Christian, I must want to see people who don't convert suffer eternal torment, and this can't be farther from the truth. I could go on, but that one more or less settled the matter for me, regarding the video author's veracity and credibility. Each must choose their own beliefs.

I must say, though, that it(the video)/he(she? - possible, though not likely, I think)(the author) does make an excellent point about self-responsibility.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Whereas I do agree with 'all sweeping generalisations' are wrong in some context. There is a lot of magical thinking (to coin his phrase) that causes harm through action and inaction.
This was not intended to tweak your beard. What I do dislike is not being able to say or debate a point in case it may offend someone's religious rights. Nothing should be off the table.
I also fully understand the right to believe in anything, however deluded. And my beliefs may well be more deluded.

I feel you are a good person, Dave. To me that counts more than anything. 
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


QuoteI think)(the author) does make an excellent point about self-responsibility.
I think there would be more self-responsibility if there was more accountability.
QuoteWhat I do dislike is not being able to say or debate a point in case it may offend someone's religious rights.
I know what you mean there Snowcrash, I watched this yesterday but did not comment.


Snowy, I feel the same way about you, and you never have to worry about not being able to discuss or debate anything with me. As far as I'm concerned, there is no table. :D
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I know there 'is no spoon' but now there is no table. Sheeesh.  ;D

The Universe is infinite but there is only a finite number of planets. Infinity divided by any finite number is as near to zero as makes no odds so life cannot possibly exist. Anyone you meet from time to time must therefore be a figment of your deranged imagination. DNA paraphrase.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


by dividing infinite by finite both finites cancel each other out. now your left with two variables I and n, I for indeed and n for no. divide the two variables and one gets a the world will never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a toosieroll pop  :P


I still think '42' is the best answer so far provided by humanity in all it's wisdom.


Leave it to us to turn a serious philosophical debate into a celebration of puns and comic references. :D I love it!

It occurs to me that if Humanity were to abolish all "magical thinking", as the video seems to suggest that we do, We would lose imagination, humor, and above all else, Love. After all, "critical thinking" rejects all of these things along with God, Angels, Bigfoot, and Yuna from Final Fantasy 10, and I don't think I want to live in a world without those. :(
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I feel it's more the difference between the likes of Uri Geller and evangelical stage acts that want you to believe in the spirit world compared to the likes of illusionists like Derren Brown.
They all do the same thing but some are tricks others are mystical. It's still ok to be entertained without having a mind so open your brains fall out.

I have no problem with the idea of a Deity but have a problem as to why he would need worshiping to or any need for money.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson