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Google Search slow ?

Started by Freddy, February 03, 2013, 13:01:43 PM

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Is anyone else finding Google search to be slow or not connecting at all ?

It seems to be the case for me, I am in Chrome and have my default search set as Google.  So when I type something into the address bar it searches Google.

I'm trying to narrow down where it is just thought I would ask.

I eliminated the wifi dongle, which I did suspect was on the way out.  But it's the same with a wired connection...



Just did a few searches, direct from the Google site and then from a Datahopa module, seems to be working as fast as normal for me.

Might be an ISP or area thing Freddy. 


Ok thanks.  Other sites seem fine, just Google...weird

I turned off a Talk Talk alert feature which I recently started using, will monitor it for a bit.

Cheers :)


All seems fine here. Try putting in "calculate the answer to life the universe and everything" BTW.

Have you tried switching it off and back on again? Your router that is. Mine gets it's knickers in a twist sometimes.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hehe yes, it was working right the answer is still 42  :P

Router was reset last night and same thing...

It seems a bit better atm, since I turned that feature off..


Hmm, well after some digging it looks like a lot of TalkTalk people are having the same issue :

Although most seem worse than my intermittent problem.  Will have to wait and hope for the best.