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Chatbot Enthusiast & Online Friends Get-Together in Early April 2014

Started by DaveMorton, February 05, 2014, 16:55:03 PM

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After a (too brief) discussion with Liz Perreau today, we decided that it would be really cool to arrange a get-together for chatbot/AI enthusiasts and other online friends while I'm in the area. Liz is working on possible venue locations, and I'm in charge of getting the word out. Anyone and everyone who reads this is certainly invited, and if you can arrange to be in London in early April (tentatively scheduled for the 6th, which is a Sunday), you're more than welcome to join us. Details are still a little sketchy, and we're not sure how many people can come, but we would surely love to see a lot of folks attend. :)

If you have preferences for dates (March 27th to April 9th is the time I'll be in England), or locations, please let me know here.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I'm glad you are coming over to the old UK  :)

But I don't think I will be able to make the London bash for a few reasons  :(
