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Incomplete Idiots Room

Started by Diesel, August 21, 2011, 15:21:06 PM

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Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Amazing isn't, we send a machine to Mars, land it safely and start to take pictures. What else do we do, we pollute the place with our rubbish, see here.

Just look at the amount of debris we have left behind.

No wonder the Clangers hated us so much.  :P
It WILL be fine !...


Shall we start a "Keep Mars Tidy" campaign Diesel?  :P
Smoke me a Kipper I'll be back for breakfast - Ace Rimmer


What NASA didn't tell is that the NEXT mission is a Transitory Recovery And Shuttle Home vehicle or
TRASH vehicle.
Oddly enough it IS shaped pretty much like one of earth's many TRASH trucks and even has
capabilities for return launch when desired. (They might wish to allow it to stay for a while in case
any other "missions" happen.
I'd enclose a photo but I'd hate to ruin their disguise ( looks exactly like a trash, refuse,
garbage or debris truck, as the case may be). :)

I really should get out more.... :LOL:


LOL Art, it makes perfect sense to me.  :D

Maybe I should get out more too.  :scratch-head:


don't bother,  I went out,  nothing new,  waste of time.  back home now,  happy.  :)


Take a look at this, I've traversed from a one year old Knight to a two year old Baron, this time next year I shall be a three year old No Title.  :D

Where did the last year go ?. (Personally, I drank it.  :P) It's not been a very good year for our membership, with Accidents, Sickness and General Decay, the latter being me, however, let's raise a combined Toast to a Brighter, Pain Free Future for all, CHEERS.  :cheers: :hats-off:

(Diesels Toast consisted of H2O on the Rocks, I know I shouldn't do it, but it is a special occasion.  :thumbsup:)
It WILL be fine !...


Quote from: Diesel on November 21, 2012, 09:06:57 AM
let's raise a combined Toast to a Brighter, Pain Free Future for all, CHEERS.  :cheers: :hats-off:

I second that and raise my morning coffee, tried it with ice but it was a complete failure, Ice melted, coffee got cold.

What an idiot I am.  :( 

Oh and congrats on your two year stint here Diesel, its been .. interesting :)



Yes quite a big chunk of the year is something to forget, but it's always been good to pop in here and get cheered up.  ;D


My thoughts mirror Freddy's, as they often (but not always, thank God!) do. I don't recall what date I first joined... gonna have to look. :)

Looks like I've been here nearly a year and a half, having joined in June of '11. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


OK here's my contribution to the thread.

I was in Morrison's (supermarket) the other day and picked up some of their whole nut peanut butter.  Upon examining the label I was slightly perplexed by this : "Warning : may contain nuts."

Seriously that was on the jar - I WANT nuts in it lol !  What are the odds on peanut butter containing nuts ?

Also today I had one of their pizzas and similarly it warns : "May contain nuts and peanuts."

Don't they know what's in it ?



Check out the wrapper on a Snickers Bar or even a Bar of Fruit and NUT, you will find the same warning.

Litigation society we live in I'm afraid.  :scratch-head:
It WILL be fine !...


You kn ow the really sad thing guys, i've seen the same warning on a packet of peanuts.......seriously if there werent nuts in the damned packet I'd be suing someone!!!!!
Smoke me a Kipper I'll be back for breakfast - Ace Rimmer


Funny but the other day at work, I glanced at a friend's plastic quart bottle of PEACH TEA.

In fine print under the title words it said, "Contains No Peach Juice."

WTF? Well just WHAT does it contain then? I thought to myself.

Things are just getting way too weird.