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Keep Calm and Don't Panic!

Started by Snowcrash, March 21, 2020, 11:17:52 AM

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A large number of countries are unhappy how the virus was handled,  you have the communist party in China with their on set of procedures and standards, The WHO a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health.  Trump feels the WHO helped cover up the virus while WHO says they reported the info China gave them.  But China quickly went about buying medical supplies it knew it would be needing for a wide spread virus and the US bought some of these supplies from China.
All we can do is see how it plays out.


"The U.S. Department of Commerce on Saturday expanded its so-called entities list, which restricts access to American technology and other items, to include 24 Chinese companies and universities it said had ties to the military and another 9 entities it accused of human rights violations in Xinjiang. Some of the organizations affected issued statements opposing the move, while analysts warned of a further decoupling between the U.S. and China."  At the same time China is seeing a second wave of the virus spreading again.
  There is also a spread of the virus in Brazil and the US has a travel ban there.  Meanwhile there is a lot of work being done in many countries to develop a vaccine.


We are all going to have to get used to living with the virus for a long time and change the way we do things. 


  A lot of work is being done to find a vaccine for the virus, many international companies are working together or independently to find a vaccine.  In the US and possibly other countries testing the vaccines has been put fast track by bypassing some safety measures and studying several vaccines to find good and the best ones. Also companies need to be able to make large amounts of the vaccine because it is needed world wide.
  There is also work being done with antibodies where antibodies from a person that had the virus is collected and these can be given to a person that has the virus.  The addition of these antibodies help the receiver to fight the virus.
  Many of the countries in south America are having the virus and a large percentage of the countries don't have economic resources to stop the deaths.


I still keep an eye on this site. Only official data and different countries do different things and then there's China that just give out BS.

At time of posting 358k deaths worldwide and graph is still straight up. Grim reading. 2k new cases off of 115k tests today for the UK. 412 deaths today with a total of 37k. Not good but looking hopeful.

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"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


  Well president Trump has once again thrown a bone into the mix, it is said he does this as a method to distract people.  Twitter ran a fact check on Trumps twitter that upset him and plans to remove a policy that would not hold Twitter liable  and would also apply to Facebook.
  They would like to expand WHO's Powers, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison pushed for a revamp of the agency's mandate to give it powers to investigate potential pandemics similar to weapons inspectors.
  As I had mentioned before the virus has a firm hold in the South American countries, in Mexico, it's not just the coronavirus that is claiming lives. The country's broken health system is killing people as well.  Years of neglect had already hobbled Mexico's health care system, leaving it dangerously short of doctors, nurses and equipment to fight a virus that has overwhelmed far richer nations. 
Now, the pandemic is making matters much worse, sickening more than 11,000 Mexican health workers — one of the highest rates in the world — and depleting the already thin ranks in hospitals. Some hospitals have lost half their staff to illness and absenteeism. Others are running low on basic equipment, like heart monitors.


I'm a bit concerned about the USA right now, with all the riots going on that is going to help spread the virus for sure.


Protesters lighted cars on fire in New York, Seattle and Philadelphia. In Los Angeles, demonstrators kicked in the windshields of police cars, torched a police outpost in an outdoor shopping mall, and looted Nordstrom and Ray Ban stores. Police shot rubber bullets and swung their batons at demonstrators.
In Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz pleaded with residents to obey an 8 p.m. curfew. Mr. Walz said he was fully mobilizing the state's National Guard after a night of rioting and violence, leaving open the possibility of requesting federal troops; forces from other states had also been readied to deploy to Minnesota.
Really there are protests and curfews all over the US, hard to believe it has gone from bad to worse.
Not sure what to say but I can remember when I was young I was fascinated by bats and wanted to catch one.  I'll bet the protestors don't wear masks.


Trump spent about an hour in an underground bunker as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion, some of them throwing rocks and tugging at police barricades over the week end.
A much milder form of protest than appeared across most of the US.  I can't help but see a somewhat similar issue in China happening where there is a second wave of the virus and people are in lockdown and there is much unrest.


I can only watch in disbelief at the situation in some countries. 


Really bad situation I'd have to agree, besides the amount of people that die you also have economic conditions causing many problems.  Curfews seem to be coming into effect but locking people inside may add to there  frustration.


Lately I've been trying to get away from this matter but came across  " Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) tweeted Thursday it had spotted attempts by Iranian and Chinese state-back hacking groups to attack the Trump and Biden campaigns."  A bad situation made worse.


Found this interesting on how to keep track of whole area infection levels.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Found this one to be interesting.

and here's the play list if you're interested.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


I not long ago read something about the virus, it stated the nasal passage way is responsible for the virus getting into the body while the mouth is not responsible for letting the virus into the body.  my feeling was why is the mask filtering air into mouth and nose, why not block of the nose so all air will enter the mouth.  Sounds so simple but this approach is not used.