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Leaked Global Warming

Started by Diesel, December 15, 2012, 09:34:46 AM

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Found this vid and thought I'd resurrect this thread.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


A surge in atmospheric CO2 saw levels of greenhouse gases reach record levels in 2013, according to new figures.

'More worrying'

The bulletin suggests that in 2013, the increase in CO2 was due not only to increased emissions but also to a reduced carbon uptake by the Earth's biosphere.

What can we all do to reduce the greenhouse gasses ?

    If you need car get a small one with a small engine  :tick:

    Use less power in and around your home :tick:

    Don't eat meat :tick:

Small price to pay to help save the planet ?


Quote from: Data on September 09, 2014, 11:43:49 AM
    Don't eat meat :tick:

Um... Not gonna happen, Mate. Sorry. Ah likes mah steak! I'm a carnivore, through and through! :P :D

Quote from: Data on September 09, 2014, 11:43:49 AM
Small price to pay to help save the planet ?

For the most part, no, but I ain't givin' up my burgers!
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!



I have 2 vehicles, but both are (comparatively) "green", though far from perfect in that regard. All in all, I'd imagine that my carbon footprint is substantially smaller than that of the average American, though probably not as small as, say, the average UK citizen. But I could be wrong about that. After all, I only saw a small slice of life over there during my visit. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I wasn't targeting any of our members with my rant, as valid as it is  ;)  I know you lot are lost cases. I might have more chance with Snowy but even that is a long shot.  :LOL:

Dave I value our friendship far to much to start a debate with you on these matters.  :hats-off:


Pets add to it too. Like dogs cost a lot of money as well as the emissions...hmm that came out the wrong way...oh no so did that.... *runs away*


I don't think that a well-reasoned debate is any sort of risk to our friendship, truth be told. You lot here have already caused me to re-evaluate the issue of climate change, and things that I can do to help, but at this point, I think it's like trying to plug a hole in the dike with a sieve.

lol@ Freddy's "emissions"... :D :rofl:
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


BTW, Data, I'm getting a JS error when I try to use the "tool" icon to the right of my post to edit it. It says, "TypeError: element is undefined" in script.js, line 240.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I'm back - emissions - it was on QI and they are usually reliable. They showed a photo of a regular family and they had a pet dog. The question was how could they reduce their carbon footprint the most. The answer was get rid of the dog. So things like food production (for the dog), transport, packaging and so on were the things they mentioned that would reduce the footprint if they did not have this dog.

I was a happy vegetarian for three years back in my student days. Trouble was after a while, KFC became too tempting and after a few drinks of a night it seduced me back to meat again. I think I might start eating more fish to replace the meat in my diet though.

And yes that little tool is not working here either - gets stuck with the ajax 'Loading...' message at the top of the screen.


Also... with our stupid government contemplating using fracking to get out dated fuel sources I fear they really don't give a shit about the environment.


That's not going to change until another energy source becomes profitable. It's money and power, not the higher ideals of good government, that drives both our governments.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Yep money and power and the right mates, I agree.


Yeah if it wasn't for money we wouldn't wait until it's too late or in best case scenario "allmost too late" before we *The Humans* do something about it.

I noticed the edit bug too, will look in to it.


BTW, just to let you know, when I eat mostly flora, ~MY~ "emissions" go up drastically, and those same emissions are FAR and AWAY more toxic! Trust me when I say that no cow on the planet can put out more CO2 and methane than I can when I'm on a veggie diet. :P
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!