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Started by Snowcrash, March 14, 2015, 20:18:35 PM

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Love that song, I think I posted a cover of that a while back.

This just came up on my YT playlist, too good not to share. Remember the movie?  :)


Way back in 1991 we had this from Primal Scream.


  Watched a video on Whitney Houston on Hulu last night, she has so many recordings that made it to the top of the charts I thought I'd put her in here. Great voice belongs with Elvis, Michael Jackson and other top singers.



Shame how she ended up. I wasn't a great fan but she could really belt out a song.

Something on the light side, I was listening to The Cure's Forest earlier (released in 1980) and had to make a joke about one comment  ;D

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"Shame how she ended up."
  I began thinking about that, these people that have so much money, have or could get anything they wanted yet end up killing themselves.


Yes, pressures of fame too I imagine.

Keith Flint of The Prodigy has died today, only 49  :(


Well I know this from Pulp Fiction - that was a good time, mid 90s - seemed to be a lot of good movies around that time. Probably went to watch it in Leicester Square. Tune.


Sunday - time to listen to a bit of music, enjoyed that Freddy  :thumbsup:

Really windy today, makes my think of all the wind turbines out there, some might think I'm obsessed, well let me tell them now, I am  ;D but don't panic, just relax and let it happen.


  Yes a bit obsessed but we need people like you, go out and plant some trees and listen to the wind blowing through the leaves.  So a rather strange question when life first began did the animals or the plants start first, was there ever an excess of oxygen and lack of enough carbon dioxide?


Quote from: Carl2 on March 14, 2019, 13:12:25 PM
So a rather strange question when life first began did the animals or the plants start first, was there ever an excess of oxygen and lack of enough carbon dioxide?

My logic says that the plants came first, they gave the animals oxygen and food.

Had this song in my head today:



There's organisms that are sort of half plant and half animal - so maybe it was a bit of both.

Good song, had not took notice of the lyrics before  :thumbsup:


"There's organisms that are sort of half plant and half animal - so maybe it was a bit of both."
Never knew that, can you name one?


"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson