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Started by Snowcrash, March 14, 2015, 20:18:35 PM

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  Although I'm American I have to say I like it, kind of like the way the British keep the king and queen, they grow up learning the right way to do things while we have Trump whom they are trying to impeach because he never learned the correct ways.


Quote from: Carl2 on December 21, 2019, 20:03:27 PM
  Although I'm American I have to say I like it, kind of like the way the British keep the king and queen, they grow up learning the right way to do things while we have Trump whom they are trying to impeach because he never learned the correct ways.

Kind of you to say Carl  :)


This is on todays internet.  Trump never understood windmills, he has studied them but never been able to understand them. They are made in Germany and China but almost none are made here.
A windmill will kill many bald eagles, after a certain number they make you turn the windmill off.  Yet if you killed one they put you in jail. 


Funny old laws. When I went fishing with Dave he said there was a law back in the US that said you couldn't use ground bait - it had a jail term.

I like a bit of Enya sometimes:


Very relaxing Freddy  :thumbsup:

Here is my offering for today, I love the song, quite a clever video too, filmed in Brighton.


They have a unique style, quirky :)

The Waterboys:



A classic Freddy  :thumbsup:

Try this one from the Good Professor.


Liked that  :D

Funny to see K-9 appear :)


Quote from: Snowcrash on December 21, 2019, 12:08:22 PM
And the Levellers are a Brighton band I always assumed were named after a Brighton park (called the Level) but was an old movement.

I'd forgotten they were from Brighton. I used to have a couple of their albums which I loved. I like a bit of folky stuff still.



Sorry but he bumped into to many people and I didn't like it, music and singing seemed to be to far into the background also.


Quote from: Carl2 on December 27, 2019, 11:58:59 AM
Sorry but he bumped into to many people and I didn't like it,

Mrs Data said the same thing.

I like the song and it even made me buy the album ... years ago now.   

I know I keep posting the Good Professor, can't help it, sorry  :D


I do know what you mean with the video Carl and Mrs D  8)


Playing this a lot at the moment :)