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Started by Diesel, August 09, 2011, 00:46:59 AM

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Sorry people, but it is RANT time.

Splattered across every News channel there are up-dates on the continuing situation within our Cities.

Could someone please explain to me why this is being allowed to continue. Why hasn't the Army been called in to stamp out these up rising's in a definitive manner. Water Cannon's, Tear Gas, Rubber Bullet's, whatever, oh, I know, they have Civil Rights. What a load of old BULL. Stealing stuff and Arson, trust me, is wrong. Don't believe me?, then go home and ask your Mum, and, if the Authorities want to find out whom was there, wait until the complaints start to pile in then simply arrest that person, because they were obviously there, no excuses.

You can just hear it now, "they were shooting at us, all we did was set fire to someone's life work, steal all their stuff, smash everything in sight, fight the Police, burn their cars, all because we didn't listen at school or try hard enough so we can't get a job, it's not our fault, they shouldn't have responded so hard, we didn't deserve it".

This time next year, we, as a Nation, are hosting the world's greatest spectical, broadcast to the whole world stage. What sort of a message are we sending out. Unable to control our youth, Authorities stretched to the limit, security thin on the ground.

So, any unhinged, fanatical terrorist group, with half an organisation, should find this Country a cake walk. God help us!!!.

Still, it's nice to see that the Prime Minister has cut his holiday short to deal with this situation, he want's to think himself lucky that he can afford a holiday.

Next year should see millions in revenue brought to this country, if you didn't live here, would you travel here now?.

To all the Rioter's, well done all of you, well done indeed.

Rant over.

It WILL be fine !...


Well said Diesel

I am disgusted and shocked at what that bunch of low life, ignorant, idiotic rabble have done to their own country, there is no excuse.

Hate is a strong word that I don't like using but I hate them all and hope they all get caught and end up serving long prison sentences, if some are too young to go to prison they should still be locked up, we don't want them on our streets, day or night.


Rant back on.

I was brought up on, sorry, thrown up, on the worst Counsel Estate in the area where I live. It was so bad that they knocked it down and built a nice new shiny place.

Several thing that we did learn as kids was to, respect your Elders, never ever steal from your own, help those that are trying to help themselves. Oh, and never have a Tattoo.

So you have no prospects, who's fault is that, mine, your's, or the Governments, I don't think so. Your choices are your own decisions.

Stop feeling sorry for yourselves and get off you sorry arse's and do something. Believe me, the world owe's you nothing.

Rant over again, well at least for a bit.

It WILL be fine !...


I wish we had a written down constitution similar to the USA. I've always liked the 'you have the right to persue happiness'. Doesn't guarantee it but you can persue it.

If the individual does not abide by the rules/constitution then they're not part of society. Fault is them. The law is then in place to deal with them. They do not have the rights everyone else has.

I do have some simpathies for the hardships of inner city life but 2 wrongs have never made a right. We as tax payers, now have to foot the bill of the police (no pun intended) and all our insurance premiums will go up, again.

The only good I can see from this is the police's teeth maybe re-instated, seeing as they've systematically been removed over the last few decades to the point on ineffectuality. Why not riot if no one is going to do anything? This should've been nipped in the bud on Saturday. Ineffectual policing has allowed it to escalate. I don't condem the police, I condem the government(s) (another un-intended pun) for removing our police's powers.

Where are the rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons?

I am glad to see there have been 600 odd arrests and lots of raids today. We shall see what the evening brings.

There are rumors that Brighton is going to have some trouble tonight. Shops have closed early and there is a larger police presence. I hope not but hey, there's plenty of idiots out there.

Ahhhh! that feels better. Now for my dinner. :no-no:
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


" Theresa May, has dismissed fears that deep spending cuts could undermine the ability of the police to tackle possible civil unrest, and insisted the British did not respond to austerity by rioting on the streets." - that was in the Guardian September 2010...


Oh Oh, here we go again, Theresa May, a country mile out, nice thoughts, clearly not going to happen.

Another one so detached from the real world, that they know best.

Right, enough's enough, let's get in there and sort this situation out, today's youth need's to learn that the Giro is not the only currency available in the UK.
It WILL be fine !...


I did get a warm fuzzy feeling when I saw the news that 100s of people started to clean up the streets after a twitter plea today.

But I am a hippy at heart, just not a practicing one.  ;D
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Unfortunately people like her seem to think that everyone goes to tea parties and ride around on ponies at the weekend.


Sometimes i wonder if some things should be bought back.


Don't get me started on the liberal, hand ringing so and so's that have allowed our country to not be able to chastise childeren to the point they know they will only get a slapped wrist if they riot.

Bring back corpral punishment. Bring back the death penalty. Fill up the youth detention centers.

Or just give them some harsh words?
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


"... should be boiled in his own pudding. And buried with a stake of holly in his heart!"

Just kidding. It's my considered opinion that anything that's meant to be a deterrent to unwanted behaviour needs to be described in the following terms:

1.) It must be swift. - No waiting around to see if they've "gotten away with it".
2.) It must be sure. - If you did X, then Y will certainly happen to you.
3.) It must be severe - Knowing that something truly unpleasant awaits you if you get caught will make you think twice about doing it in the first place.
4.) It must be public - Aside from the personal humiliation that the culprit experiences, others can look upon the chastisement and say to themselves, "Not me, boy! I never want to go through that!"

I say that public canings are well past due! :thumbsup: :headbang:
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Deterents, Deterents, Deterents. That is all we hear from all.

How about this as a solution.

Detainment for all regardless of age. Yes it would cost a fortune, so make the Detainees pay. Pay for the Damage they knowingly caused, their Encarceration, Supervision and any other costs incurred. Make these little darlings repair the damage whilst wearing a Hi-Vis uniform with, "I Did This", printed all over it. You never know, they may even learn something from the experience.

So, how do we make them Pay?. Curtail their income that's how. Those on Benefits, cut them down to the bare minimum. Those that have employment, well that's easy. Those under-age, look to the Parents. Simple.

You can Analyse the Why's, How's and Whatfore's, until your Blue in the face, that won't change what's happened. All I'm saying is, what's happened should be Payed for by the Perpetrators.
It WILL be fine !...


I agree that restitution must also be a part of the whole thing, too. No question there. And to those who say that "you can't treat people that way! It violates their rights!" bear in mind that once someone violates the law in a serious enough manner, they've voluntarily and knowingly given up their rights in committing the crimes they've committed. And if they claim not to have known about the whole "gave up my rights" issue, well then in addition to having to work off your debt to society in a very tangible manner, you also get treated to a nice education on the way society should work, with a commensurate increase in repayment for said education. Stupidity should be both painful and expensive. :P
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


On a lighter note.

The reason the riots only went on for 3 days was if they all went to the same place doing the same things for 4 days it would seem too much like a job.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Made me laugh. :hats-off:

Well what do you know, an Amateur Astronomer with a Sense of Humour, there's two thing's you wouldn't normally see in the same sentence. ;)

Does make me wonder how many more new broom heads will Trigger need to clean this mess up. ;D

(See Funny Classic Video Clips)
It WILL be fine !...