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So called chem trails

Started by Freddy, November 20, 2014, 15:52:13 PM

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This is a rant.

What is this thing about chem trails ?

Look at this ...

Have they never heard of cirrus clouds ? Did no one else learn about clouds when at school ?

Over the past couple of years I have seen so many people saying these are sprayed from aircraft onto the unsuspecting public. FFS they are clouds !

And don't get me started on aircraft vapour trails which similarly get misidentified.

I despair  ::)


Quote from: Freddy on November 20, 2014, 15:52:13 PM
I despair  ::)
As well you should. The internet has corrupted the collective Human mind, and as a result, we see conspiracies and plots everywhere. I think the CIA is behind it.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


 ;D Haha

It's doesn't take the CIA to make it happen. Sadly idiocy and ignorance does a much better job.


A well worthy rant  :thumbsup:

They are clouds for sure.


It's normally HAARP that gets blamed. Though they'll have to find someone new to blame 'cos HAARP is being shut down.

One of the problems with human culture and the net in particular is we tend to congregate with like minds and this gives any mad idea fertile ground to fester. I am not immune to this either. I will look at sites that conform to my world view and dismiss those that don't. This is also why I promote science and critical thinking. Woo woo and conspiracy theories are nuts ideas seeded in gullible minds.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


I saw you have a "word" with the tin foil hat wearer on faceboook Freddy....made me chuckle.

Smoke me a Kipper I'll be back for breakfast - Ace Rimmer


Snowy, yes that's part of the problem. But most people would still listen to reason. It seems some of these nuts will believe anything and then refuse an alternative or correct explanation.

DD, yep I could not resist saying something, this is a pet peave ;D


Quote from: Freddy on November 21, 2014, 14:02:15 PM
Snowy, yes that's part of the problem. But most people would still listen to reason. It seems some of these nuts will believe anything and then refuse an alternative or correct explanation.

I actually have a friend like this (we've known each other since we were 5 and have always bickered and disagreed  :D) the funniest thing I find about it is that when you offer alternative theories or suggestions you are the one with a closed mind....
Smoke me a Kipper I'll be back for breakfast - Ace Rimmer


Ah chemtrails, one of the first things I "learned" when when I discovered Internet.

Hoax, maybe, maybe not, but I prefer hoaxes like that. :D


Well, you know that these nut bags aren't completely wrong. In the image from that FB page, that cloud formation was probably "seeded" by a commercial jet's exhaust as it flew through the area. Jet engines emit CO2 and carbon particulates, which gather water vapour in the area, causing condensation, and thus, clouds. Trouble is, the loonies are just right enough about things that they make the wacky stuff almost sound plausible.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I neglected to mention that the CO2 and carbon particulates are, indeed, chemicals, so they're technically right about them being "chem trails", but still... :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


They look like straight cirrus clouds to me, but I know what you mean about the seeding thing - that's why I touched on that in my first post.