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Your Daily Dose...of humour (or humor) or Hugh-More

Started by Art, September 23, 2021, 01:13:31 AM

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Good one Freddy  :LOL:

Here's my offering for today.





I like that one Freddy  :LOL:



This is my favourite meme at the moment  :LOL:




 :LOL:  :LOL:

A thought for today:

Incorrectly is the only word when spelt correctly that's spelt incorrectly  :scratch-head:


"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


It used to cost 10p to pump your tyres up at the fuel station, now it's £1.

That's inflation for ya  :LOL:



A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?" The dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism. Your mother, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the people. The nanny, we'll consider her the working class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense." The little boy goes off to bed thinking about what dad had said. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has soiled his nappy. The little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed. The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now." The father says, "Good son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about." The little boy replies, "Well, while capitalism is screwing the working class, the government is sound asleep, the people are being ignored and the future is in deep shit."


"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson