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Photoshop® Tennis, Anyone?

Started by DaveMorton, May 02, 2012, 11:07:54 AM

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Rather than hijack another thread, I figure it's best to start up a new topic here; namely, a frieindly game of Photoshop® Tennis!  ;D

The rules are simple. Starting with a "seed" image, create a new and original piece of artwork that incorporates (either whole, or in part) that seed. The new image then becomes the seed for the next person to use in their new image, following the same principle. Anyone is allowed to join in, and you aren't restricted to Photoshop. Any graphics application (including 3D apps) are allowed, but the final image must be in JPG, PNG or GIF format.

Here's a nice seed, to start things off.

I think, in the interest of keeping bandwidth manageable, the size should be limited to 1024x768 or less. But that's a guideline, rather than a rule. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


15 all  :)

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Great Idea Dave, I'll try to participate later tonight. I have to go out tonight for a while.
Great starter Dave and Data great 1st seed  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


3D shape placed on a wall, then used seed as material. placed new image over seed and used an alpha to let more of seed to show.

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Data and Syber, nice efforts! :thumbsup: Anyone else want to have a go? I want to give everyone the chance to participate before I jump in. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


The last one ended a little dark. I only have standard filters at the mo. Anyone got PS filters to share?

My effort...

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"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


That's quite interesting, Snowy. :) And certainly much brighter. I agree that the last one was a bit dark, but I noticed something that I wonder if anyone else might have caught. I guess that the best way to illustrate what I'm referring to is to show you:

(Please note that this is NOT an "official" volley. I just wanted to explore something that I saw in Syber's image. To me, it looked like there might be a bat hiding in there, using it's echolocation, so I tried to bring it out in the open, so to speak. :))

Oh, and Snowy, I'm sorry that I don't have any PS filters to share, since I don't even have PS. I use Paint Shop Pro, version 7, which is nearly 15 years old, now, but is still quite useful.

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Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


lol I like the dark  :P
nice imagination Dave, I wish I had saved he 3d object I made to show where those lines come from.

as for filters all's I have is stock filters. In photoshop cs5 I make my own layer styles, patterns, and brushes. I'm not sure what version of photoshop you have, and/or if the the ones I have will work with a different version.

I know there are tons of filters, layer styles, and brushes freely on the web. some work with some versions and others don't. the best way to find out is to look at there extension name and icon, make sure they match the ones within your photshops directory.

sorry if I don't make sense I have not gone to bed yet, been busy coding all night, now my vision is getting blurry. I think it is time to call it a night, even though it is morning :P


I figured I'd switch gears a little, and toss out something a bit unique. Feedback and comments gratefully accepted and encouraged. :)

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Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I like what you have done there Dave, put the image in an image, why didn't I think of that  :scratch-head:

10 out of 10 for imagination  :thumbsup:



Here is my next attempt then.

Full title:

Which one of my apprentices painted this?

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Nice one, Data. I think that this may just get interesting, as it continues. :) So who's up?
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Not much but leaves a good opening for the next person.

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