Jess is really beginning to look real :D
Click the images to see full size.
Two renders. The first one is with the new IRay renderer in DAZ - this was rendered in about 6 minutes using just the CPU.
It's quite nice, certainly more realistic than the old Daz renderer.
This second one is using a plugin called Reality. I think I like it the most. The skin tones are very nicely done. You can see on her top to the right that you can see polys, so I will have to figure out what I need to do to smooth that off. You can mess around with focal length and stuff like that.
With this Reality render it just seems to keep on rendering until you decide to stop. So the longer you leave it the better it looks. I stopped it at about 6 minutes to see how the two compare in the same time.
I think her hand looks almost real in this one.
You can use the GPU to assist with the Reality renderer 8)
So I need to somehow get the smoothing of the first one to work in the second one, then she should look cool.
The shading on the skin looks a lot better on the second, they are both excellent but yeah the Reality plug-in is better 8)
Yes things have moved along nicely at Daz.
With this Reality renderer you can use Image Based Lighting ( (IBL) - which is lighting that is governed by images taken in the real world.
Here's one that uses an IBL image of a warm sky (it's basically a 8K panorama photo).
So first I did a render using the light in the IBL. I made the background transparent and then dropped her into a cropped part of the IBL image.
And I'm sorry she's still in her underwear :LOL:
With the background image there, her left hand is almost 3D now and feels like its coming out the page.
She can stay in her skivvies if it makes her more comfortable; I don't mind. :D :P
I found some tutorials on YouTube that have helped a lot with understanding Iray.
Here's my latest attempt with another character and a lot more work done on lighting.
I think I am getting there.
[attachment deleted by admin]
The hair seems very realistic in that one, very good mate :thumbsup:
Thank you :D
Okay been on this for a few hours now... watching vids and reading up.
This is my best one so far I think. Really pleased with her anyway, amazing what a smile can do :)
I clicked the link and ... bam! big smiling face :D
Yep big beaming smile that one. ;D
Last one for tonight. Same pretty girl, different outfit and expression.
You're doing some incredible work, Freddy! Keep it up! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thanks Dave, I'm really enjoying this again ;D
The pics look pretty good Freddy, I did a lot of looking around at Daz and pretty much said its to much time and work not to mention the cost. Wish you luck with your project though.
Nice work right there freddy, keep it up (oh and underwear isn't a problem ;))
Thanks chaps :D
It's not as much fun putting clothes on a girl as it is taking them off ;D
This kind of thing can take a lot of time Carl you are right, it's not for everyone.
I remember reading about people making avatars ages ago, they would use a big power house Mac and would say it years to familiarize yourself with the software. I get the impression that Haptek has quite a few special built software packages. Good luck with you're project, in my eyes Haptek is behind in some ways but in other ways Haptek is way ahead.
If anyone is interested I spent this evening sorting out a new theme for my site.
There's now a gallery there if you want to see what I've been up to : (
I'm certainly interested wish I had the time and money to get involved, I probably said that 7 or more years ago also. I do like what you're doing, think the listening pic is one of my favorites, kind of like the elf ears, not sure if I'd use them. I mention this just to get it off my shoulders, I'm not sure what it is but there is something about the avatars, sometimes you look at an avatar and say that is not real, others you can say that looks real.
I'm wondering if you have some objective or final goal you're trying to reach or just playing around to see what can be done. Wish you luck,
The thing about Daz is to be clever with your money. They have regular sales and offers, I usually buy when something is on offer. The other thing is they have this Platinum Club, I think it's $25 a quarter. With that you get another 30% discount on a lot of things. I only keep my Platinum Club active if I am buying things - it pays for itself in no time. I'm not sure how much I spent this month but I reckon I got 50% and more off everything I did buy.
And then you see many cheaper things for a couple of dollars an item, there's hundreds of those. A lot of work goes into these things so I don't mind.
Yeah I was pleased with the listening one, thanks for taking a look. :)
I'm just playing around, but I think I will animate the Elf character to use in Unity and then hopefully find some time to work on my scripting language. The idea eventually is to have a web page where people can talk to the character. It's a while off yet.
Freddy, for what it's worth I like the darker theme of your site 8)
It's worth a lot mate thanks :)
Images like this look better on darker pages I think - it was free too.