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Fixing Solar Panels Fatal Flaw

Courtesy of: Undecided with Matt Ferrell

Solar Power Capital of the World!

Courtesy of: Fully Charged / YouTube

I thought this was great, and I learnt a few things too.

1 Comment
Is Tony Seba's Route To Super-Abundance Really Achievable? | The Fully Charged Podcast

Courtesy of: Everything Electric Show

I have just released the online version of my first gamebook - a choice-based role-playing game.


You are a rising silent movie star who has appeared in several roles in various productions but has yet to reach the peak of your career, as you have held only supporting roles. You are reading scripts for some new proposals but feel you need a break to recharge your batteries.

This adventure sees you travel from your home in Arkham, USA, to the shores of Merry Old England. You inherited a large house from a distant relative with no heirs. It's May 1924, and your being between movies makes this diversion seem desirable.

Having only written correspondence from a solicitor, you do not know what awaits you, just that the house is in some disrepair. In any case, it's worth the trip to see the surroundings of the home, which is located in Exmoor – a part of the world that is worthy of travel in its own right.

Your liner, the Leviathan, departs from New York and will take you to Southampton, a port city on the south coast of England. With some glee, you wonder what England has in store for you!

Link to the free-to-play online version and other information:

A print version will follow.

Enjoy :D

1 Comment
Thought this was interesting...

How Do You Charge an Electric Car at the North Pole?!

Courtesy of: Fully Charged / YouTube

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