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System Image

Started by Carl2, September 30, 2014, 00:09:01 AM

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  I've been able to make a system image of Win 8 and have it stored on a 15 Gb flash drive. I've just found that win wants a program to open this file, it seems I have the data but windows doesn't know what to do with it.   It is a winre.wim  339, 345 KB


Hi Carl

I'm pretty sure you need WAIK to use your .wim file.

And then this is what you do with it.

Hope that helps.


  I'm in the process of " Acquiring Windows Preinstallation Environment " seems it will take all day,  I'm thinking that the usb flash drive should be bootable which at this time it is not.
I have a newer computer from HP which is able to do the system image, if the computer will not boot it will switch to a repair mode and a reinstall using the system image is an option. I switched to a SSD and it saw the drive was not the original size and refused to install.  I ended buying Win 8.1 and installed that on the SSD.  3% complete for about 1/2 hour


  The kit was downloaded and installed in windows, I believe it was made for more advanced people, Looking through the installed files I'm just starting to make a little sense out of it.