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The Slow Mo Guys

Started by Snowcrash, April 12, 2013, 17:37:08 PM

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great vid  :thumbsup: and great reason why not to try this at home kids. Safety first :D


Some cool water drop fun. There appears to be an error in this video. Works fine in 720 and 1080.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Been going through the vids on this channel and found this one.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


That was Cool with a capitol C :D


"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


And there's more. Slowmoguys and Smartereverday are the YT channels.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


In case you haven't noticed, it's the Geek Week special on YouTube.
Here's the slow mo guys offering.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


That was probably their best vid ever. :D
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!



And now for something blowing up...

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson



More paint fun shenanigans.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


That was fun. :) Got me thinking that maybe instead of adding water to make it less viscous, use corn starch & water (dyed various colors, of course) to see something similar in real time. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Grenade! Fire in the hole.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


That was really cool. :)

While checking out the "after videos", I came across this one. Granted, it's not the Slow Mo guys, but it's still a great video.

Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!