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Elon Musk at 2020 Mars Society Event

Started by Carl2, October 17, 2020, 15:00:19 PM

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Elon Musk to share latest moon and Mars plans with Earthlings today

I'd like to start a new post on the above subject but I don't know how to do this, need help.



Carl I moved this post into a new topic for you.

Just watched the video, very interesting, Elon is totally serious about the Mars settlement and his "Starship", I think there is a good chance it might happen, well a better chance than ever before.

Go Go Elon   8)


Elon mentioned that just 1% or less would be needed to help make this MAR mission possible and productive.

I guarantee you that if we had hard scientific evidence that Earth was going to be destroyed by the largest Meteor or Astroid that has ever been known and that it would happen in 10 years, you'd see a heck of a lot more than 1% be possible!!

People are very complacent, without urgency until the end is near, then that practically panic and run over top of each other to find a solution!!  Is that type of mindset in a civilization really worth saving?

What if the Earth and all its inhabitants were totally destroyed with no possible survivors (no space station occupants, etc.). Would it really matter in the grand scheme of things? Probably not! We humans like to revel and bask in the glory of our creations! Much like a fictional GOD would of his children, people, creations...

It's hard to think about not existing at all yet one day each of us will take that final breath. Then it's lights out, stop thinking, stop dreaming...just stop! Nothing.

Mar will likely never be like life is here on Earth so to all those future kids, take a good look and enjoy what time you have on this Earth. Nothing lasts forever...


Well the virus brought travel restrictions that showed we are destroying the world and now it seems that the virus is still going on and killing more people,  a vaccine is seems to be our hope but I myself am not sure about that because of my involvement with  athlete's foot, I found a remedy for it but the end result was it didn't work.  And then we have medications advertising cures with a list of side effects that makes me wonder about the federal drug enforcements.  Cannabis was taken taken off the market because a large paper company didn't want hemp to replace their paper.  Well this is the society we have created so we go around playing with bats.