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Happy 2013 to all

Started by Data, January 01, 2013, 12:58:12 PM

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A simple little message to wish everyone a happy new year.

Also a big thank you to all our members that have helped make the site what it is today, it would be nothing without you chaps and we greatly appreciate all your inputs.  :worship:

Here's hoping for a good 2013 for the entire world, lets all keep it positive and make the most of what we have, help people where we can and generally try to be a good human being and better ourselves.

Sound good  :)


Sounds good.  Happy New Year All :)


Sounds great Data, and thanks.
Happy New Year all  :party-time:


I concur Data and then some.  ;D

Happy New Year One and All. :yahoo: :hats-off: :woot:
It WILL be fine !...


"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thank you and that's why I chose Jan. 2nd!
Happy and healthy New Year to all!!!