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Still alive

Started by sybershot, March 21, 2016, 00:00:06 AM

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Hello to all my friends, just wanted to let you all know I am alive and doing fine. however I am working my arse off. I been working 14 to 18 hours days 6 days a week. that does not leave much time for anything else. however my goal was to be a body tech which I accomplished in record time, just did not want these hectic hours. my next goal is to get a house but a divorce is needed first from the ex. also:Some guy crashed into me and totaled my Audi TT, so I went out and bought two vehicles a 2005 Porsche Cayenne S Twin Turbo fully loaded and a 1999 Porsche Boxster. yes it is tough thinking what porsche am I taking to work today lol

well I just wanted to say hello and hope all is well with all of my friends here, Data hope your get better soon Dave said he was having some issues.

I don't know when I will be able to hop back in but hopefully it is not too long from now.


Good to hear from you Syber  ;D I thought you must be working hard, but maybe not that hard.  :o

Love the cars, you must be doing well :)

I'm on the hunt for a new home too as I am running out of space in my small flat - not looking forward to all the packing though.

Anyway, after the trouble you had it's nice to see you landed on your feet. Look forward to hearing more when you are less busy :)

Take care and all the best :)


Glad to see you back, Brother, even if only for a short stop. Still jealous of the hoopties, of course, but I had my stint with the avenger, so I'm not all THAT jealous. :)

Don't let the job hours drive you to an early grave. ;)
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Not 1 but 2 Porsches, sounds like you are doing ok then Syber  :)

Nice hearing from you, don't over do it re the working, If you are doing what you love then it's not really a job, I can understand all the hours   ;)

Best of luck with your divorce and house buying venture.   



My other car is a Porsche window sticker required.  :D

Welcome back. Hope all the hard work pays off and life calms down a bit.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson