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Keep Calm and Don't Panic!

Started by Snowcrash, March 21, 2020, 11:17:52 AM

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And on a lighter note, found this as a guide to keeping you sane in lock down.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Good vid handles the isolation we feel being inside so much,  I had to stay up late to sleep longer and not wake up so early.


"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


I still listen to The Stranglers regularly.

RIP :(


Sad news about Dave Greenfield  :(

I can't remember all the hours spent listening to The Stranglers but it's a lot.

RIP Dave.


He has a pretty nice voice, easy to listen to.
  Really wanted to put in the cost of going to a hospital and get treatment for the virus would be $15,000 dollars, this is an average cost a at a average hospital.  $32 dollars to get an appointment with the average doctor if you believe you have the virus and would like to see a doctor.  I'd be wiped out if I received a bill that size,  Probably have to just stay at home and see if I lived or died.  At my age I am probably doing that anyways.


FYI, Dave Greenfield is the keyboard (harpsichord) player who does backing vocals in Golden Brown. He comes from Brighton area (Portslade) where Data and myself live. I've seen the Stranglers 5 times, my most watched band.

Your healthcare sucks. Ours has its problems and is a 2 tier system (free at point of need & private healthcare) but when the shit hits the fan like a global pandemic, it won't leave you bankrupt.

We do all pay for it with our taxes.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


I think Carl would be the first to admit the American health service is less than satisfactory, he has said it before.

I remember talking to an American on the Web a few years back and he said he wasn't prepared to pay tax that funded a free healthcare system for the whole country, I think many Americans have the same opinion. Of course it's completely alien to us and most of the other countries in the world, free healthcare is in our DNA.

If you get ill the last thing you need is money worries on top of it.


I know it is said the US is way behind the rest of the world as far as health care.  I know they were trying to over haul the health care system but the virus came along and nothing has been said about it. If health care is supported by taxes the people are actually paying for it so we don't get free health care.
  Since I'm always looking at Covid-19 info I came across the US sewerage system started checking the sewerage for Covid-19 and found there was Covid-19.  In the past they have checked for opium in the system and found that in the sewerage.
  Reopening businesses may start 5-18, but there are stores that have been shutdowns because large numbers of people that worked in them have the virus.  Grocery stores also have a large number of people with the virus, firemen and police again have people with the virus.  People working in meat packing plants also have a high infection rate and some refuse to go back to work.  It seems like a good time to start a company making robots that Japan has done.


Well so far I learned that the sewerage system has taken samples of the sewerage and found the virus is in the sewerage,  I wonder if someday we can drink some water and get the virus but I'm not sure how the sewerage department works.  Over all it seems like we have found Pandora's box.  I never would have thought that China would have people in China going to bat caves, capturing bats taking blood tests and collecting them and analyzing there waste and selling the bats for food.  So bats live in caves and you can find 500 per cubic feet, the viruses they contain is in the hundreds and these results are recorded so we can combat viruses like we now have since biological warfare has long been banned.


I wouldn't like to say for sure where the virus came from or how it got out to the human population, there seems to be a lot of politics involved and I don't trust politics.

What we have to do as individuals is learn to deal with it in our every days lives, balance the risk with our freedom, do our best to prevent getting infected while living as normal a life as possible.

Well that's how I see it. 


Well pretty big mess we have now, strange not understood virus infecting and killing so many people.
Unemployed people that need money to live but also don't want to go out and get the virus.  Democrats want to do it this way while Republicans want to do it that way.  Well the big thins is the vaccine, we have to break all the rules we have set up to get it set up and tested in record time, that should make billions for someone.


  I decided to do a little research on  Shi Zhengli a renowned virologist, best known for her work with bat coronaviruses at her lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). She discovered the natural bat reservoir for the Sars pathogen that spread in southern China from 2002 to 2003.  A few surprising things appeared there are reports that she disappeared but there is also a statement from her that she is okay.  There is also a statement where she tries to  disinfect something that make me think of Trumps remark of using a 
disinfectant to get rid of the virus.  Shi has been under heavy scrutiny amid concerns that the virus had originated from the Wuhan lab although she denies this. There is also information she brought to a US embassy in France.


There is tons of misinformation out there. China, a few weeks ago, said it came from the USA. I have heard that it has been genetically engineered with HIV. Don't believe what you read, just take it on board as possible. I feel most evidence or conspiracy reports make little odds to how I live or what I do.

I have seen a survey that tested for a protein of the virus at a health clinic. 100% of swabs from the pharmacy floor had it, 85% of phones etc...
I assume the sewer test is the same. This does NOT mean the virus is present and viable. It means it has been there.
The virus dies after 24 hours on most surfaces. I have heard up to 72 hours on aluminium. The protein lasts much longer.

Still looking forward to the day I don't have to queue (line) to get in a shop.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson