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Miss Heard Lyrics

Started by Diesel, January 17, 2012, 16:49:00 PM

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Now, we have all had favourites songs we have heard and have been totally Shocked, Stunned and Horrored to discover that what we thought we heard was totally wrong. Let's have yours, just for fun.

One that springs to mind, is that young Lady really telling us to Foxtrot Oscar in the centre section of Paul Youngs' rendition of Love Of The Common People.  :scratch-head:

Over to you.  :thumbsup:

It WILL be fine !...


Could be a fun little thread.

The one that springs to mind straight away is Sue Lawley by the Police.


Okey Dokey then, Vids as well. :D

It WILL be fine !...


Not sure what bit you mean, Diesel? If you mean the crowd shouting, then you could be right.

I remember these lyrics from an episode of Never Mind The Buzzcocks.

"...Sweet Roland falls in Brie, You had distemper, like my jealuos eel, too hot, too greasy."

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


And for all the smokers out there, there's this classic...

Bring me an Iron Lung by Steve Winwood.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


You know, here in the States, we have this wonderful invention, that's saved marriages, changed lives, and made life just so much more enjoyable. they call it the Miracle Ear :P
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


And from 'random music videos' thread, Diesel's choise of the skids.

This is just unintelligible lyrics. Put your hearing aid in Dave and tell us what they're saying.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Excellent choice Snowy, almost 100% unintelligible but I can hear:

Born Alan Sugar, la la la la, la la, la la la la.


Ok, got the new batteries in the hearing aids, and got out my trusty quill & inkwell, and here's what I heard:

Into the valley,
Beat you there the vine.
I'm kissing the virtue, The Hooka's divine
forget about you, the magical lime!
Mercy just catch me up, to Victor it is down.
Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
Let's see a jar!
Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
If I had a quarter!
Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
See them contralto!
Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
I made a salad!

A lot of human,
Plant fast or die.
what are you doing? A social disease
Prop up an ewok, tomorrow's too ease.
I'll ditch the fairy
Black old John Rue
Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
Dancing in style!
Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
Mime in a shoulder!
Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
To see them in possle,
Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
Im in the hay!

All I can say here is drugs are bad! :P
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I have to admidt that when I first heard "I predict a riot" by the Kaiser Chiefs I thought they were saying "I've got Tourettes"

Smoke me a Kipper I'll be back for breakfast - Ace Rimmer


I like the lyrics Dave. Very funny. Could be those words for all I know.

In the interests of accuracy and just 'cos I wanted to know, here are the real lyrics. I think I prefer Dave's.

Into the Valley
Betrothed and divine
Realisations no virtue, but who can define
Why soldiers go marching. Those masses a line
This disease is catching. From victory to stone

Ahoy! Ahoy! Land, sea and sky
Ahoy! Ahoy! Boy, man and soldier
Ahoy! Ahoy! Deceived and then punctured
Ahoy! Ahoy! Long may they die

Out of concealment
Blank and stark eyed
Why so uncertain. This culture deceives
Prophesised, brainwashed. Tomorrow's demise
All systems failing. The placards unroll

Ahoy! Ahoy! Land, sea and sky
Ahoy! Ahoy! Boy, man and soldier
Ahoy! Ahoy! Deceived and then punctured
Ahoy! Ahoy! Long may they die
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


  I enjoyed watching the videos and listening to the music,  seems to be a strong british infulince in the wording and music which America is already used to.  I have to think of the big black plastic disk,  you could rub your finger on them to make them play slower so possibly you could understand the words.  I've heard if you play them backwards there is a message from satan.
  As far as not being to understand what was sung, ages ago it was Louie, Louie by the Kingsmen, I don't know how to get a video in the post but Here's a link :

and another   



Thanks for the vids, Carl. I guess you figured out by now that all you need to post a video is to just post the link. Cool, yes? :D
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


  I was surprised to see the video right there.  just thinking the same young groups of men and women are making changes to our cars and computers.


How about this one!

Farting is beautiful or more faaarting is-beauuuutiful.

As for the other lyrics?? There's something about gushing girls.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson