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free 5GB of online storage

Started by sybershot, April 30, 2012, 08:01:21 AM

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I useskydrive for my online storage, they offer 2GB of free storage. I found out Google is now offering 5 free GB  :o


I've used DropBox for a while now, not only for offsite storage, but also for collaboration and file sharing. they also offer about 2GB of storage for free, and also have referral programs that allow you to increase the limit by 500MB for each referral, up to 16GB, total, which is way cool. :) There are a number of companies out there that offer free offsite storage, and it's always a good idea (read: VITALLY IMPORTANT) to back up your data somewhere other than your computer, to prevent loss in the event of not only hard drive crashes, but also fire or theft, so that you don't lose critical info/data, so if you folks haven't yet taken advantage of this yet, I strongly urge you to do so now. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Quite neat, but I would soon use up 5GB - I guess this is for important stuff, but then again that worries me - what if someone hacks into your account ?  I've had online email hacked in the past and I went back to old fashioned downloaded email.

My personal solution was to get a Network drive and store stuff on that.

I do see how you and Dave find it useful though with quick sharing and stuff.


I've used drop box, me and Snowy were sharing things there but it kind of fazed out and in the end I didn't install it after the last windows install.

Think it's a good idea but it doesn't quite do it for me, for the reason Freddy mentioned regarding security but I guess if you are only sharing things that aren't what you would class as personal information that you don't want anybody to see, then I can see it has some positives for sure.

Who knows I might start using it again.

Relying on a USB external drive for back up here, I know it's not perfect.


IMHO, no solution for data backup is "perfect". Anything that remains in the same location as the computer is subject to many of the same physical risks, yet offsite storage is often a security risk, so it's a bit of a balance. I've even gone so far as to have an "unlisted" FTP server that certain sensitive files were stored on, to which only I had the login credentials for, but even that has it's potential risks.

5GB of free storage is just about right, though, for certain non-sensitive documents and files, and the price is right. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I would never store any personal data on the cloud, but backups for say our websites, ultra hals etc. and/or file sharing free is for me :)