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Terms Of Use

Freedom of speech is important to us, however, there are a few boundaries that must NOT be crossed. Please observe the following guidelines when using this website at all times.

Site Rules

  1. This site uses English as its primary language. Even though we welcome people from around the world, a common language is needed for communication. English is our choice. Please try to use good grammar and spelling when posting. This helps eliminate confusion or lack of understanding in the meaning of your posts.
  2. Do Not abuse this forum or any person or persons using the forum. Judgment made by an Administrator and/or Moderator is final.
  3. You are responsible for what you post at this website. As such, be aware of any negative effects that your messages might have on other people.
  4. Personal Attacks or Insults of any kind against a user/member of this forum will not be tolerated. Abusive or vulgar language is not allowed. Members must at all times bear in mind that this website is a "family friendly" website. We want this site to be a fun and educational place for all to visit.
  5. When posting, make an effort to be clear and concise, stay on topic and try to be helpful. Do NOT use ALL CAPS as it is considered rude and unnecessary. Make sure your post addresses the topic and is constructive. Avoid creating duplicate posts, multiple posting of the same post will be looked upon as an attempt to get your message noticed.
  6. No photos depicting blatant nudity, pornography, racism, obscene images or hurtful language will be tolerated.
  7. Advertising or unsolicited links to advertising is NOT allowed. This is akin to SPAM and any such links will be tagged and removed. The poster will be notified and warned. Posting links to a site in an effort to attract users to an unrelated product of any kind will be removed. Links that are related to a topic of the post or within the forum that may be considered informative or helpful will, in most cases, be allowed.
  8. Be respectful of other individuals privacy and safeguard your own. Do not post personal information of yourself or others unless they have given you permission. We'd like to respect everyone's privacy while here at this website, so it's up to you as to how much information you are willing to reveal, post or share. You are responsible for your personal and privacy settings within the framework of this site. Please do not give out real names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. of other members without their permission.
  9. Piracy - No illegal material, photos, software, etc. This includes linking to software, posting about it, and suggesting how and where to get it. This includes but is not limited to material that violates copyrights, and especially links to sites that distribute illegal material. Copyrighted material or links that are owned by any individual or organization other than the person posting should be given credit by the poster.
  10. While this website is a free service site, please be mindful of bandwidth wastefulness. Huge photos that could be displayed on a smaller size will still be seen and have the same effect. Keep them sized to no larger than 1920 x 1024.
  11. New members must set their correct country location, failure to do so will be looked upon as an attempt to deceive and is not permitted.
  12. Please try to welcome new members when they arrive. Give them assistance if possible and endeavour to make them feel welcome.
  13. Users not observing these guidelines may have their posts edited or deleted entirely. Their member account could be permanently banned or deleted without notice. These guidelines are subject to change.


  • User's posts are their personal opinions and do not represent the views of this website. This website or any member of staff (Administrators or Moderators) are not responsible for the content of forum posts, and do not certify any information on the forums as correct, worthy or accurate. You should treat any advice received under these considerations.
  • The above mentioned staff of this website are not to be held liable for any content, errors, or omissions of any kind or for any purpose or any loss or damage, believed or real, as a result from any posting made, used or transmitted to or from the datahopa site.
  • The staff of this website endeavour to monitor each and every posting, however it is possible that some posts might get missed. If you feel you have been infringed or found what you believe to be objectionable material, you should notify the Administrator or Moderators immediately via Private Messaging. Staff will respond to requests or alerts from members.
  • Our public forums are crawled by search engines, and so forum posts and topics may appear in search results for search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and others. This website does not accept responsibility for search engine results that may include public forum posts. Private forums are not crawled, as such they will not appear in search results.
  • This website staff members can view your email address. This will be kept private, except if we are requested to provide this information by a duly authorised person or organisation with the legal right to make such a request.
  • This website or any member of staff are not responsible for the availability, usage of, or content of any external websites, links or resources, and no endorsements are made nor liability assumed, inferred or implied.
  • The Administrators and Moderators of this website reserve the right to remove or modify any data submitted to this website for any reason that, in our opinion, constitutes a violation of our policies, whether stated, implied, or not.
  • This Disclaimer is subject to change.