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Movies that you rate.

Started by Data, April 29, 2012, 13:29:43 PM

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QuoteI'd not even heard of that one before, let alone see it, so I found it online and watched it. Good flick
:o that you never seen nor heard of it Dave. Glad to hear that for the most part you like it  ;D

It is one of my favorites for it has 2 things I love, jets and A.I. and the female co-star has nothing to do with it  :-X  :innocent:

QuoteGood flick, and a sexy co-star
it was a tough decision on whether to post it here within this thread or "Hot girls and Sci-Fi" Thread.

The scary part is knowing one day a A.I. craft similar to EDI will actually be reality one day, and In a way I would love to see that day   :sign-evil-laugh: However I pray it does not turn evil like Edi did. It is scary though for I do know how evil and /or dumb man and /or nations sometimes can be.


In all honesty, I don't think that EDI was evil, per se. That's the problem with dealing with a computer entity; it may do things that are clearly evil, but it's likely that it's fundamental intent is not. Unless an AI unit is programmed to have morals and ethics, then I don't think that it can be considered evil. Or maybe I'm just looking at the entire idea incorrectly? :P
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


at least at this point in time as AI is know, it cannot be evil nor good. For it calculate best outcome based on it's programming. but one day AI will be: how to best explain :scratch-head: born in a test tube or similar device is the best I can come up with. A entity which is alive but not human nor animal, but a biological brain that can either be attached to a machine, or even be attached to a  biological body. once AI is at this stage it might be possible to call it evil or good based on it's learning and actions.


I've not seen Stealth either. Looks good, will put it on the 'to watch' list.

My fav film of last year was Limitless. Good cinematography and plot. No major SFX.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


It came out a while ago and I only saw it a couple of years back, but I tell people to watch it a lot :

The Prestige :


Seen Limitless, was a good film, might not be every ones taste.

The Prestige looks good, think I might get that on Blu Ray, starting to build up a collection, which is one of the reason I made this topic, after some recommendations.   

And I noticed "The Prestige" has GT's sweet heart in, Scarlett Johansson  :P


Great movies there Snowcrash and Freddy.
They both were great to watch, and would be great assets to any Blue Ray collection


I missed the Prestige. Just looked it up, it was a 2006 film.

Looks good. Now if only there were 40 hours in a day...
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


This is one of my fave films, watched it in HD and it is excellent I think :


Loved Watchmen, the Prestige and The Illusionist (funny how both magic based movies appeared around the same time frame), and would love to see Stealth (don't know how I missed that one).


  I've just finished watching a series of flims on Hulu,  Total recall 2070.  about a detective in the citizens protection bureau, he is assigned an android to work with him.  This is an alpha android wich makes him much smarter , he has everything as far as androids go.  In 2070 andriods are everywhere doing everything menial that humans no longer have to do.  Interesting thing for me that I thought was a carry over from the terminerator,  they have enginered flesh over their skeleton similar to the terminator film.
  Quite a few films with them working together and getting used to each other bring out some underling questions, where did this very advanced android come from and why was he working there, of course there are several companies interested in the technology he has in him.
  It turns out he was built by another android,  the outher android started out as software in a computer, he began improving himself frist, he contracted people to build things for him and moved into a partial body, more work and he built the second android which is what the movie is about. The second android dies trying to protect his maker who also dies.  Interesting for me.


Moved Carls post into the Movies that you rate topic.


I know its old but one of my favorite films is the WW1 film "Aces High".

What I love about this film (apart from the flying scenes of course!!) is that is is NOT contrary to popular belief a war film, it is in fact an anti-war film that tries to show the brutality and senslessness of war and the toll it exacts on the human spirit and mentality.
Smoke me a Kipper I'll be back for breakfast - Ace Rimmer


I know it's quite an old film now but I finally got round to watching A Beautiful Mind and it's most definitely one to watch if you haven't already  :thumbsup:

Yes I rate it  :)


You know, that's one that I haven't yet watched. I'll have to address that lack, I think. Thanks, Data.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!