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Exposing Google's Sentient AI

Started by Art, August 07, 2022, 14:10:15 PM

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This is nothing short of a remarkable interview detailing the AI research engineer telling his side of the most recent issue with his claiming that the AI was sentient.

The engineer was ultimately fired/dismissed from Google and the AI actually retained an attorney on its own. (somewhere around 11:30).

This is not a chatbot this is an advanced AI that is practically a "being" of its own.


Really interesting  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Art on August 07, 2022, 14:10:15 PM
This is not a chatbot this is an advanced AI that is practically a "being" of its own.

Yes exactly and it knows what it is - a computer program.

I have had the thought for a long time now that for an AI to be truly sentient-(for want of a beter word) it must know what it is.