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Pi Phone

Started by Art, June 26, 2022, 15:29:27 PM

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Can you hear me, Major Tom???

With the new Tesla Pi Phone you can...

This new entry promises a great many improvements compared to the lowly Apple iPhone 14 soon to be released. They do this improvement thing to entice users to ditch their last year's model for a shiny new one!

It looks like those users should put off buying a new piece of fruit and go for the whole Pi(e).

The host of the video talks way too much but after the 2:30 mark, he begins to concentrate on the Pi Phone. It does seem to have a lot of pretty amazing features so give it a watch...


So the Tesla Pi Phone has some serious specs that seems sure to blow away any competition but you can bet it's going to come at a serious price too.

The iPhones battery is such a weak point to my mind, my Samsung android phone battery is double the capacity, also I don't like the Apple business model (for a number of reasons) can't see myself ever buying an Apple product.

Owning a Tesla phone would be uber cool wouldn't it  :D


I'm happy with the one I have, does all I need and takes nice photos - I probably wont upgrade for a couple of years yet, when Android has new things that I want.

My battery lasts up to a week, so that's fine :)


Quote from: Freddy on June 26, 2022, 18:01:34 PM
My battery lasts up to a week, so that's fine :)

And charge the battery to around 80% only, to extendthe overall life, it really works  :thumbsup:


With continuous use like constantly checking status pages on FB or chatting, face-time/video chat, game playing, or watching cat videos, one is likely to just get 6 to 9 hours of usage before the need to recharge.

A week obviously means standby time with perhaps a call in or out here or there.

A teenager will experience drastically lower usage times!!  :LOL:


I use my phone a lot - not as much as a teenager probably but it lasts up to a week. It's got a decent battery :)