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Show us your WEI

Started by Data, March 30, 2010, 22:48:55 PM

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Yeah I think the Kingston SSD's look pretty good, I recently did a build with a SanDisk Pulse and that didn't feel as quick and would only WEI at 7.4 for me.


Here is the WEI for the R9 270, I noticed the CPU score has dropped, I must be using a lower BCLK on the CPU overclock.

Can any CPU actually hit 7.9 yet I wonder :scratch-head:

It seems that the i7 4770k can hit 7.8 but not make 7.9

It's all fun though. :)

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Data, that's only 1 point below my WEI. VERY nice! :thumbsup:
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


You know, I've been thinking that since we all know that WEI isn't really the best way to judge our computers performance, it may not be a bad idea to find some other way to do so. After all WEI isn't all that accurate. So I did some 'digging', and found this article. Several of the solutions look very promising, and I've actually used a couple of them in the past (way back in the day when I didn't object to having pirated software). What say we give one or more of these free solutions a go? :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Thanks chaps  ;)

Mean with his money Data didn't do too bad  ;D

I think I've tried most of them benchmark tools Dave, I like the WEI and the way it scores all things together in one simple to read format, it is a great little guide.

If we were to do some more in-depth testing we need another thread.  :P  :)


grats on the higher WEI score Data, looking good  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



Yeah, I got that. Wouldn't want to hijack this thread for other benchmarking. That would be bad. ;)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


New WEI...both graphics scores went from 7.8 up to 7.9  8)

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Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!



Thanks guys, I have to say I am really please with my new toys  :D


And here's my new WEI.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson
