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Started by Freddy, June 05, 2016, 02:02:20 AM

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Bought a new game. The reviews were mixed on Steam, but it's not wise to always trust the critics. I'm really glad I bought it, because it's a great little game. An RPG in the classic way, with nice story telling, some nice animations, cool graphics and some laughs too.

You can even make your own modules, so I look forward to that. Very much like Neverwinter Nights.

Four players can play in a campaign too, but I've just been doing the solo adventure so far. Their forum seems friendly so I'll hopefully find a few people to play alongside.


Looks interesting, Freddy. Perhaps once I have some funds incoming (which won't be long, as I'll probably be starting at one of the local Walmarts on Wednesday) I'll look into it. is it single player RPG, or MMO?
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I had a look at some game play of this, lovely graphics 8)


It's multiplayer. Up to four in a team and an additional spot for a dungeon master. In the single player game you get control of three characters and your main character and when you are not controlling them the PC does. In the screen shot my main character, a fighter, is the top one - the other three are PC most of the time. It does help to control the others sometimes.

Their AI is quite good, especially in battles and the Cleric seems good at healing. I have had the old thing where a character gets stuck behind a tree or something and then only noticed when I was on the other side of the map lol. But that's only happened a couple of times.

It's all based on D&D and like I said it's quite similar to Neverwinter Nights which I used to play a lot. For a newish game, the forums are fairly quiet, but they just released some new content, and there seems to be a good number of people behind it. Hopefully it will tick over and they will work on it some more, because it has a lot of potential.

I still have to finish the first campaign, but if you guys fancy joining me that would be cool :)


I'd love to (D&D style RPG's are among my favorite types of game), but at $20USD it's just beyond my funds at present. That said, however, I may be improving my cash flow in the next couple of weeks, so maybe that will help. We'll see.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Maybe hold off as I found one of the companies behind it went bust. After a longer browse of their forums I see a lot of gloom and doom. But this happens a lot, for some reason people who have played a game and had enough sometimes feel compelled to stay behind and ruin it for others.

They just released a new campaign for free so I don't think money is the issue. There will be some time for the people taking over to fully get a hold of the reigns. And they are about to release it for consoles.

I still have some hope. I wrote a positive review for it on Steam, maybe it will help a little.

There's another game I'm quite interested in : Divinity: Original Sin

Looks like it might be good, but I'm first trying to find out if more than two people can play at once. It sort of seems like it would but I'm asking around to get confirmation.


I've looked at both of the videos, and it mentions being able to create up to 4 player dungeons, so I would guess that the game itself can handle that many players. Besides, the first vid clearly shows 4 adventurers traveling together.

Frankly, I'd be much more interested in the editor than the game itself. That looks like a lot of fun in it's own right. :D
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Four player dungeons yes, but that's two players controlling an NPC/henchmen each. You can play 4 people I found but it needs a hack.

The editor interests me too, but not the limited number of players.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification. Still the vid about the editor specifically mentions 4 players, so I still have hope.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Yes that's what confused me. I had sent an email to the company to clarify, so I will let you know when or if I hear back. They are working on the follow up atm, so it might be worth waiting for that to hit the shelves.


OK I'm in luck today, quick responses from the company.

Seems the 2 player coop is for the main game. Here's it from the horse's mouth.

QuoteMods (new campaigns) can allow up to 4 players. The main game only officially supports 2 player co-op, but 4 players can be enabled with mods.

D:OS 2 is being developed with 4 player co-op support for the main game, as well as allowing that in mods.



Good to know. I'll add this game to my wish list. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!