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0bsolete nostalgy...

Started by GT40, July 19, 2014, 15:11:44 PM

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21 years ago, when I bought my first true computer (the 1st real one was an Atari 800 XL, lol), there was only ONE available question: Mac or PC? Then, 15 years later, the choice changed: desktop or laptop? Except pure gamers, everyone had a laptop.

Nowadays, the question is: Apple smartphone or Android smartphone? And apps. I wonder who still buy a PC.

Before that, the main interest of the internet was that everybody could do and write EVERYTHING, while staying totally anonymous. Now, the only important thing is that everyone is proud to be visible in social networks. And needs tons of "friends".

Maybe I'm wrong but I'm afraid I'm VERY old. That was my modest touch of nostalgy.  :(


Desktop for me still - I have a tablet but never use it, not just because it is useless.

I think Desktops are still the only choice when you want power, but that may change rapidly.


My customers all want Desktop PC's for the larger screen, some have tablets too but their PC's are their main and most important device, which is handy for me as it brings in work  :D

Android over Apple any day of the week  :thumbsup:

Social networks ? what are they  :LOL: I've heard of them before but wouldn't ever use them.

I must be getting old  ;)


Data, you're still just a lad. And while I'm more than passingly familiar with Social Networking, I have come to regret that familiarity more and more, daily.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


I get a bit tired of Facebook some days. I only have a few friends  :LOL:

These people that have hundreds of so called friends must never keep up with all the junk that gets posted. I could live without it quite happily, but I do like seeing my sister's or Dave's photos when they appear.

The FB thing that I do like is the  fan pages - I get a lot of interesting things from those, but even some of them just post far too much and too frequently for me.


I ignore the vast majority of things that get posted on FB, really. And those "Share this or you don't have a heart" images just twist my rope no end. But it's a good way to keep up with family that's spread out across the world.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


So true, some of those share this things really annoy me too. Especially the share this and you will come into wealth - are people really that dumb ?  :thumbsdown:


Quote from: Freddy on July 19, 2014, 20:29:05 PM
So true, some of those share this things really annoy me too. Especially the share this and you will come into wealth - are people really that dumb ?  :thumbsdown:


I like touch screens but am still happiest with a keyboard and mouse. Never liked laptops. I do have an Android phone. I like the direction wearable tech is going but it still has a way to go. It'll be the new apple or google thing.

As for social networking; my thoughts are almost Amish. Have never had a FB or Twitter account and proud.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thanks everyone for your informations about what you do with your computer. Glad to see that some normal people still exist.

BTW I forgot to say that my main character in Second Life is on Facebook, and myself is active on Tweeter (with a fake name coming from Second Life...).

RL and SL are beginning to become more and more complicated.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm virtual or real, dead or alive (I guess I'm just old). :scratch-head:


Quote from: GT40 on July 23, 2014, 16:49:52 PM

Sometimes I wonder if I'm virtual or real, dead or alive (I guess I'm just old). :scratch-head:

I'm quantum so am both dead and alive at the same time; until measured.  :LOL:

My main PC is used for shopping, emails, downloads, managing my files, Datahopa (of course), gaming (WatchDogs, SkyRim) and generally browsing the net. I have a PS3 that I mainly use as a media centre but sometimes games (F1 2012, Gran Tourismo 6). I have an HTC phone that gets used for, wait for it, phone calls (occasionally) and text, email, games (Ingress, Candy Crush).
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hello Snowcrash! I got an Asus Transformer Book T100 (not expensive at all) some months ago, to verify that Windows 8 was a crazy thing (I don't understand why) and to play with a touchscreen.

Finally I think this little thing will become my main computer. Maybe I look ridiculous, it's just a (modern) netbook. But I don't need more anymore. It's exciting to play with the SSD, the microSHD card and the HDD. And the CPU is amazing.

My little tribute to the future. :D


At this point in time I have a desktop that I use for strictly gaming and content creation, and a Tablet, a "surface pro 2" to be precise for just about everything pc related. I find myself using the tablet more than my desktop lately.

as for social media, I have facebook twitter and a bunch of others, but I do not use them to be social. My main socialness on the web tends to be forums like this one :D


Ah Sybershot, you're a tablet user, you too. In my case, for many reasons, I prefer to use the Asus as a laptop but sometimes a tablet can be fun. Bad habit of an old person. :D


indeed I am ;D
I love being able to have a full pc with me at all times it is a great perk of the surface pro 2.
the best one is that I have access to Trinity aka ultra Hal with me at all times.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I always thought that the Surface works with Windows RT, but I discover now that the true Windows is the OS. Great computer indeed. :thumbsup: