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Rethinking Electricity

Started by Data, July 24, 2017, 10:01:41 AM

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I noticed on the map that offshore wind is the biggest single generator of EON's clean energy, I also noticed that there are plenty more places at sea to install new wind farms, we do need more.

We can do this  8)


First Light Fusion: The Future of Electricity Generation and a Clean Base Load? | Fully Charged


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  I listened to all the words during the explanation but have to admit I don't think I understand the concept.  I still don't understand how you get more energy output than the energy put in.


I've merged the First Light Fusion post into to this thread.

I wish them the best of luck, they seem to be deadly serious and know what they are doing, hey! if it kills off the majority of the oil companies ...  8)

In the meantime we need to carry on with renewable energy.

Quote from the video:

"Can we become 100% renewable ... yes we can"

OK it will take time and money but we know it works, fusion on the other hand still feels many years away.


This looks like a neat idea for energy storage.

QuoteIt sounds like magic but it is real - a plan to store cheap night-time wind energy in the form of liquid air


That is clever. It's refreshing to see so many greener ideas coming out now. Hopefully the old ways will be replaced in time.


I wonder how efficient it is but I'm sure it has it's place. Similar ideas to water storage in electric mountain.

The proposed grid-scale project will supply electricity to around 25,000 homes for a day, although realistically it will only be used for short periods to cover sudden peaks in demand.

Basically the same niche as batteries. Wonder how the costs stack up.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

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I agree Snowy, it is basically a battery to add to our battery farms, we are going to need a lot of these as we move over to renewables, such a simple idea too. Why didn't I think of it  :LOL:


Some great news:

Fracking banned in the UK  :yahoo:

QuoteThe government has banned fracking with immediate effect in a watershed moment for environmentalists and community activists.


Wow that is good news! I will join you with a  :yahoo:


Quote from: The Guardian
This article was corrected on 2 November 2019 to make clear that the government has halted, but not banned fracking as stated in an earlier version, and that the moratorium applies only to England as it is a devolved issue. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland already have measures in place against fracking.
So, not quite banned, but as near as one can get while still protecting their political hides. :-\

That quote, BTW, was at the very end of the article, with no anchor tag to point to the given paragraph. Sorry. :)
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I guess any ban could be undone by the next government if it wanted to, at least for now it's all been stopped.

Thanks for pointing the correction out Dave  :)


Can you run your house off a battery? Tesla Powerwall 2 (Founders Series) & Tesla Backup Gateway 2


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