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Rethinking Electricity

Started by Data, July 24, 2017, 10:01:41 AM

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Quote from: Carl2 on December 13, 2019, 13:00:48 PM
An example of the rich get richer and the poor bet poorer.
Yes maybe for now but this is the kind of technology that will help us all get to 100% renewable energy, the more people that install a battery and solar in their house the more renewable energy for the rest of us.


  I've just learned that Amazon has a large selection of snow blowers which I'm glad about, nice to see the switch from gas engines to electric motors.


2019 has gone and the latest figures are in for the UK's electricity mix.

It was the best year so far for renewables and low carbon energy generation, also more electricity came from renewables than fossil fuels  8)


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Didn't we do well over the last 10 years, exciting times  :look-up:

More good news:

QuoteBritain is about to pass a significant landmark - at midnight on Wednesday it will have gone two full months without burning coal to generate power.


Can you HEAT & POWER a big house with RENEWABLES? | FULLY CHARGED for clean energy & electric cars.


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How energy storage will kill fossil fuel.


Found this on the economics of electricity generation. Thought it apt for this thread.

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Interesting video, it feels a bit last century to me, which is good because it shows how we used to think, the best bit was near the end when he talked more about renewables, they are cheap and not finite  :thumbsup:

Looking forward to the near future we need a way to put power into the grid for when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing, ok we all know that already. We also need more solar and wind energy to store and that is coming. 

Hybrid supercapacitors / lithium ion storage looks interesting. 


This is rather apt and fits in nicely with my previous post.

QuoteUK energy plant to use liquid air

Work is beginning on what is thought to be the world's first major plant to store energy in the form of liquid air.

It will use surplus electricity from wind farms at night to compress air so hard that it becomes a liquid at -196 Celsius.


Found this. Not really thought about mechanical batteries...

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


As I see the power generation problem, solar-wind-wave are all good but can only supplement the grid due to their intermittent nature. At some points they may be able to supplement 100% and that's great.
Batteries, whether chemical-mechanical-water/air storage are there to iron out the peeks and troughs of the power curve. They do not generate and you can't be certain they store enough.
You still need a way of generating your base load. Nuclear is the greenest but has its issues. Gas is the cheapest and quickest return on investment. For 10GW of nuclear generation produces 4 x more power, in a year, than 10GW of wind.
More investment into making our home less reliant on the grid and getting nuclear fusion to work seem the best ways forward.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Yeah fair points but we have to stop our addiction to gas, if nothing else it's going to run out at some point, then what?

Building houses with solar on the roofs is happening now, I've seen it near me where a new estate is being built, solar fitted as standard, imagine most buildings with solar, what am impact that would have.

I can't help but think nuclear fusion is as possibility but too far off to help now.

The UK are currently looking at building mini-nuclear plants.