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Started by Data, July 24, 2017, 10:01:41 AM

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Quote from: Carl2 on February 03, 2018, 18:43:36 PM
Actually if the population today was much less burning of these filthy things wouldn't be causing the problems we now have. 

While that's true, Carl, I don't think that's the way to look at it. the planet (read: NOT we Humans) can "ignore" up to a certain amount of what we do to it, but we've already exceeded that amount. the planet can also heal itself, given time, from a certain (rather high) amount of damage that we cause. What that level of damage is, and how close we are to it is anyone's guess, but I think it's fairly safe to say that we're more than halfway between those to levels. Moreover, it's quite possible that even if we never reach that ecological "point of no return", the Earth, just like any other living organism, may well develop "antibodies" to combat the threat that is Humanity. Evolution is a marvelous thing, and when combined with the accelerated genetic mutation caused by radiation (think Chernobyl and Fukushima here), it's not inconceivable that something could well evolve from a previously harmless species, even the common cold, that could wipe us off the planet in a generation or less. Granted, the likeliness of this scenario is really low, but the possibility is NOT zero. Even overpopulation could be, if not the trigger, at least a contributing factor. Best to fight the battle on all sides, I think.
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


You bring up a lot of good points that I can't argue with, I guess we can say the Earths reaction to our burning filthy fuels is to get warmer causing higher ocean levels.  We will have more people with less living space which will probably result in disease spreading causing more deaths quicker.  This is much quicker than wait for evolution to make necessary changes.  I've already heard the temp changes are already affecting animals such as the Artic bear and birds that migrate.


For many years the humans were like children playing their games, everything was fine in their little bubble and mother Earth looked after them.

Then the humans turned into teenagers, still playing games but more serious games with consequences to mother Earth.

Now the humans are growing in to adults and have to learn how to become the guardians of mother Earth. It will not be easy, they will make many mistakes on the way but it's time to get serious.

Are they up to the task ?


Hmmm. Deep thinking philosophy thread required.
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Quote from: Snowcrash on February 04, 2018, 22:29:59 PM
Hmmm. Deep thinking philosophy thread required.

Maybe, or maybe it's just a simple matter of looking after the environment.

Deep Thinking Electricity   ;D


Deep thinking philosophy, I'd agree with that.  I really think the people handling these problems are more concerned with making a profit from the situation we are caught up in.


Quote from: Carl2 on February 05, 2018, 15:03:07 PM
I really think the people handling these problems are more concerned with making a profit from the situation we are caught up in.

Interesting conspiracy theory Carl.

We do know that renewable energy is cheaper to make, I guess you think the energy companies are making even more money from their customers ?

Let's not forget that it cost a lot of cash to make these solar and wind farms, that money has to come from somewhere.   


We were talking about heat pumps in another thread for cooling CPU's, it's strange how things happen but the latest Fully Charged video is about heat pumps on a much larger scale.


I haven't heard much about heat pumps here so the information was interesting.  How to make it useful to me is another thing.


Most modern central AC units here in the US are types of heat pumps, but they rely on a "phase change" (e.g. liquid transforming to gas and then back) to facilitate the transfer of heat from one environment to another. Sadly, I dozed off for most of the video (wasn't boring, really; just pulled an all-nighter, so was bushed), so I didn't see any bits that explained the tech. But I know a bit about air conditioning and heat pumps that run on that tech, si I figured I'd share. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


It's an advert but I like it  :D


Excellent !  8)

I forget who the song is by but it's a great choice, it works really well.


QuoteThis video is not available in your country

Liiks like I'm going to be digging up a proxy once more. :)
Safe, Reliable Insanity, Since 1961!


Quote from: Freddy on March 14, 2018, 20:45:42 PM
I forget who the song is by...

It was Slayer, Raining Blood - now that's a blast from my past !


Dave, does this version of the advert work over there is the USA ?